(760) 591.3804
We are now offering a new discounted frameless CPF Model called the NG-CPF that will be replacing the old CPF stencil at the start of 2021. It’s frameless so it’s thinner and easier to store. It has a stiffening plate making it more rigid than the current design. The outer dimension are the same so if you are using a specific nest for the framed CPF the new design will still fit, you will just need to adjust your Z on automated machines. Attached you will find images of the new NG-CPF. Please let us know if you would like the old style CPF for now, the new NG-CPF, or if you have any questions.
Please contact us for more information!

*pictured accessories optional
Place the component so that the solder balls align with pattern that has been etched into the CPF Tool.

Using the supplied squeegee blade work the solder paste onto the PASTE/FLUX palette
until the solder paste is at your desired consistency.

Squeegee solder paste onto the back side of the CPF. Do this until all of the holes are
filled and the stainless steel surface is clean. This step is much like printing onto a
regular Mini Stencil.

Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.

After you have printed solder paste onto the component, place the CPF onto your rework
station and pick up the component out of the tool.

You are now ready to place the component onto the PCB.